ID Dev Android Apps

Radio Dakwah Islam
Streaming Radio Education for Moslem base onAl-Quran and As-Sunnah. More feature: recorder, player, autoconnect and auto mute when you have call.
Indonesian Postal Code 1.0.1
Information of Indonesian Postal CodeA postal code (known in various countries as a postcode,postcode, or ZIP code) is a series of letters and/ordigitsappended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail.Oncepostal codes were introduced, other applicationsbecamepossible.How To Usekeyword can spesific area :- jatinegara, jakarta timur (with comma separator)- "jakarta pusat" (with double quote)- surabaya (plain text)keyword can use zipcode :- 10110 (zip code)
Lacak Nomor Telepon HLR Lookup 1.1
Input telephone number to find the telephonenumber location.Besides, you can input phone number from phonebook instead oftyping.This application find the location of telephone number based ofthe prefix (HLR).Currently support all operator in Indonesia such as : Telkomsel,Indosat, XL, Three, Axis, Esia, Smartfren, Flexi, CERIA and TELKOMSLJJ area codeHLR Lookup does not have the ability to know the details of anumber of information such as name, address, position, etc.,because the detailed information of a number is the privacy of theowners of numbers known only to those operators and theauthorities.HLR Lookup this could only detect the number of these operator:Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Three, Axis, Esia, Smartfren, Flexi, CERIAand TELKOM SLJJ area codeHLR (Home Location Register)The home location register (HLR) is a central database thatcontains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is authorizedto use the GSM core network. There can be several logical, andphysical, HLRs per public land mobile network (PLMN), though oneinternational mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)/MSISDN pair can beassociated with only one logical HLR (which can span severalphysical nodes) at a time.The HLRs store details of every SIM card issued by the mobilephone operator. Each SIM has a unique identifier called an IMSIwhich is the primary key to each HLR record.The next important items of data associated with the SIM are theMSISDNs, which are the telephone numbers used by mobile phones tomake and receive calls. The primary MSISDN is the number used formaking and receiving voice calls and SMS, but it is possible for aSIM to have other secondary MSISDNs associated with it for fax anddata calls. Each MSISDN is also a primary key to the HLR record.The HLR data is stored for as long as a subscriber remains with themobile phone operator.
Katalog Promo 1.0
Aplikasi Katalog Promo berisi brosur-brosurpromosi yang diterbitkan oleh supermarket-supermarket diIndonesia.Aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internet.Application Promo catalogcontains promotional brochures published by supermarkets inIndonesia.This app requires an internet connection.
Islamic Channel 1.0.0
Islamic Channel A Free High Quality VideoLectures and tausiyah to Know The Beauty of Islam. Everything ispresented for the purpose of Da'wah and Islamic education for allMuslims.Islamic Channel menyajikan Video Ceramah dan Tausiyah MengenalIndahnya Agama Islam.menyajikan video-video pendidikan Islam, baik berupa rekamanvideo kajian islam, kisah singkat penggugah jiwa, maupun nasehatringan nan menyejukkan. Semuanya disajikan untuk tujuan dakwah danpendidikan islam bagi seluruh kaum muslimin.This app is just an easy way to watch the Moslem channel fromyoutube.---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Mp3s & Videos are meant for Promotional Purposes Onlyand Their Sole Copyright Rests With Their Respective Audio MusicCompany!2. Buy Original CDs & DVDs to Support Your FavoriteArtists!3. These application Never Hosts Mp3 & Videos Files!4. DISCLAIMER!!!! This app just provides links to access the videosin an organized way and we are not responsible for any copyrightissues as the app gives access to YOUTUBE videos and other linksAVAILABLE ON PUBLIC DOMAIN as is.
Stand Up Comedy 1.0.0
Enjoy the best stand ups comedy withtheworld's most famous comedians.Includes a ranking of the most watched stand ups.Stand-up comedy is a comedic style in which a comedianperformsin front of a live audience, speaking directly to them.Theperformer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic,stand-upcomedian or simply a stand-up. In stand-up comedy thecomedianusually recites a fast-paced succession of humorousstories, shortjokes called "bits", and one-liners, which constitutewhat istypically called a monologue, routine or act. Somestand-upcomedians use props, music or magic tricks to enhance theiracts.Stand-up comedy is often performed in comedy clubs,bars,neo-burlesques, colleges, and theaters. (Wikipedia)This app is just an easy way to watch Stand Up Comedy videowithFavourite style from youtube.---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Mp3s & Videos are meant for Promotional Purposes OnlyandTheir Sole Copyright Rests With Their Respective AudioMusicCompany!2. Buy Original CDs & DVDs to Support YourFavoriteArtists!3. These application Never Hosts Mp3 & Videos Files!4. DISCLAIMER!!!! This app just provides links to access thevideosin an organized way and we are not responsible for anycopyrightissues as the app gives access to YOUTUBE videos and otherlinksAVAILABLE ON PUBLIC DOMAIN as is.
SMSCrypto 1.0
To increase the security of SMS, we needanencryption system to keep the integration and the contentofmessage security. The function of this system is to cover upthespace of SMS security (especially for SMS interception andSMSsnooping).-SMSCrypto used two combinations of cryptography algorithm-SMSCrypto used symmetry key. Symmetry key is sender andreceivershould has a same key.-SMSCrypto used simple layout.
Lagu Anak Indonesia 1.0.1
Kami Bubu (bulat), Sisi (segi tiga) danKoko(kotak). Ayo nyanyi...Hallooo...Sekarang, anak-anak punya lagunya sendiri. Ayah telahmembuatkanbanyak lagu untuk kita dan bisa kamu download secaragratis! Setiaphari Ayah akan rajin bikin lagu. Kita dan orangtuakalian jugaboleh ikut bikin. Bisa sekedar usul tema atau bisa bikinlirik.Ayah segera menjadikan lagu dan diunggah di situs kita ini.Masukke halaman "request", lalu kita bikin lagu bersama-sama.Asyikkan..??Kami Bubu (bulat), Sisi (segi tiga) dan Koko (kotak).Ayo nyanyi...Sambil bernyanyi, kita bisa belajar banyak hal lho... Ayahkitasudah bikin banyak lagu anak-anak yang bisa didownload gratisdisini. Ayah Djito Kasilo akan terus bikin lagu buat kita.Ayo bikin lagu bersama...Punya usul bikin lagu dengan tema tertentu? Klik saja"request",lalu ikuti petunjuknya. Usulkanlah (misal) lagu tentang"makansayur bikin sehat". Kalau punya puisi/lirik yang pingindibuat lagujuga boleh. Secepatnya Ayah Djito akan mengolahnya jadilagu, danlangsung dipasang di sini. Tapi harus sabar ya... karenaadaratusan pesanan, sehingga tidak semua bisa langsungdibuatlagu.Ayo sebarkan...Lagu-lagu ini boleh kalian sebarkan dalam CD ke SD, TK ataupantiasuhan di sekitarmu.Ayo ngobrol...Kalau mau ngobrol sama ayah, kirim saja [email protected]. Kita juga bisa saling berkomentar danmemberiusulan disini ini membutuhkan koneksi internet untuk melakukanUpdateContent dan untuk mendownload lagu untuk pertama kali nya,danuntuk selanjutnya bisa digunakan secara Offline atau tanpakoneksiinternet.Term & Condition======================Lagu-lagu di sini boleh digunakan untuk apa saja dengangratis,kecuali untuk tujuan komersial.Hak cipta lagu-lagu ini ada pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.Perwakilan kepemilikan hakNya di dunia ada pada Ayah DjitoKasilo,dan dilindungi undang-undang setempat.
Makkah Live 1.4
Watch Live Makkah / Mecca 24 Hours.Screen "always on" while watching.Really Full screen.
Bengkel Locator 1.5
Pada aplikasi pencarian bengkelakanmenampilkan lokasi terdekat dari lokasi pengendara dengancaramengurutkan daftar lokasi bengkel dari yang terdekat sampaiyangpaling jauh pengendara dapat memilih salah satu dari daftarlokasiyang akan ditampilkan dan dapat melihat informasi yangterdapatpada bengkel, informasi yang ada pada bengkel berupaalamat, nomortelpon, layanan pada bengkel dan jam operasionalbengkel, setelahinformasi bengkel pengendara juga dapat melihatrute menuju bengkelyang telah dipilih, aplikasi akan menampilkanrute dan jarak menujubengkel yang akan dituju. Aplikasi ini dapatberjalan pada androidminimal versi 4.2 jelly bean dan maksimal padaversi 5.1 lollypop.Dengan aplikasi ini pengendara dapat mengetahuilokasi-lokasibengkel yang ada di kota gorontalo.
Breath of the Wild Maps 1.3
This is unofficial maps Zelda of Breath of theWild provides by ZU.It will show you every items: weapons, foods, shrines, armors,equipments, materials, guardians, korok seeds, and many more. Youcan find which item you want to search on the maps.This app is ad-free too.
GIS Kriminal 1.0.0
Aplikasi GIS_Kriminal adalah aplikasiyangdigunakan untuk pelaporan tindak kriminal agar korbankejahatandapat segera mendapatkan pertolongan dari pihak yangberwajib dandapat memberikan informasi yang jelas tentang lokasikeberadaankorban kepada pihak kepolisian. Aplikasi Android versi1.0 inibersifat online sehingga perlu adanya koneksi internetuntukmenjalankannya.Prasyarat perangkat smartphone yang harus dipenuhi, yakni :Sistem Operasi : Minimal Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)Spasi Penyimpanan Data : minimal 12.50 MB.
Diabetes Diet Expert 2.1
Diabetes Diet Expert merupakan aplikasimobileuntuk membantu diabetesi dalam menentukan susunan diet yangsesuaidengan kebutuhan berdasarkan data antropometri diabtesi.Aplikasiini menerapkan teknologi sistem pakar yang telah divalidasiolehahli gizi sehingga susunan diet yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasiinisesuai dengan landasan pengetahuan yang didapatkan daripakar.Diabetes Diet Expert dilengkapi fitur jurnal diet yangmembantudiabetesi dalam merekam jenis makanan dan menghitung jumlahkaloridari makanan yang telah dikonsumsi sehingga asupan kaloridiabetesidapat selalu terjaga. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi fiturpengingatjam makan yang dapat diaktifkan untuk membantu diabetesidalammembentuk pola makan teratur berdasarkan waktu jam makanyangsesuai dengan aturan jam makan diabetesi.